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Boreal Owls Y4

January 2025

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring Term. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you so much for the generous presents and cards-we very much appreciate them.

PE Days: PE days will still be on a Thursday and Friday (tennis) this term. Please make sure that children arrive in the morning wearing their school PE kit and that they are presented to a high standard. Children should wear a dark (preferably navy) tracksuit or shorts and a white T-shirt. Large logos and brand names should not be visible. 

Guitars: Our guitar lessons continue this term on Thursdays.  Please ensure your child has their guitar with them.

Homework/ Spellings and TTRS: The children should be reading daily (and answering questions about the story) and recording it in their reading journals at least three times a week. Times Table practise using Rockstars or old fashioned verbal recital and quick fire questioning is positively encouraged too! By the end of year 4, the National Curriculum expectation is that children should know all their times tables fluently. is another good tables website. A fortnightly maths sheet is sent home based upon the children's learning in the classroom for that week. Spelling tests will still be on a Monday and start again next week (week 2 of term). The children will also have a creative grid, the same as they did last term. Please find a copy below.

Reading records: Reading records will still be checked every Monday morning and we expect children to read three times a week (minimum) to an adult and record it in their yellow diary. 

Reading book: We will be reading 'The Secrets of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll this term. Thank you in advance for your support in buying a copy! If you still need to purchase a copy, it is currently available second hand for £3.75 on Amazon. This is a voluntary purchase, but we really appreciate your support in buying a copy as it helps your child to benefit even more from their reading in class.

Contacting us: If there is something worrying you, we would much rather you talk to us about any problems sooner rather than later. Please catch us at the end of the day or email us through the office. 

School Trip : We have planned a school trip this term that is linked with our topic on Ancient Egypt.  Details to follow shortly.

Sara Marah and Sally Pietropinto