Barn Owls Y2
I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for a fantastic week of learning together. Your hard work and dedication on your special booklets have truly impressed me. You've all put in so much effort, and it shows!
As we head into our final week of term next week, I’m looking forward to making it a memorable one. Let’s continue to support each other as we finish up our projects and all enjoy the last few days of learning together. I also encourage you to make the most of the time we have left; share your thoughts, help one another, and let’s keep our enthusiasm high!
We have some exciting activities planned that I believe you will all enjoy. Keep your spirits up and your minds open—there’s so much to look forward to!
Thank you again for your hard work and for making this week so enjoyable. Let’s make our last week the best one yet!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Best Wishes
Mrs Bennett
As we reflect on the past week, I want to take a moment to recognise each one of you for your hard work, dedication, and the contributions you have made to our lessons this week, whether it is in the classroom, during activities, or in the way you support one another. I have added some more photos of our learning from the last few weeks too. Have a look!
Every step you take toward your personal and academic growth is something to be proud of, and your progress can inspire those around you too.
As we move into the next week, I encourage each of you to continue trying hard to be the best version of who you are and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Remember, learning is a journey, and every challenge is an opportunity to grow.
One important thing I’d like to highlight is the importance of friendships. The relationships you build with your peers play a huge role in your well-being and success. Take time to support your friends, be kind, and surround yourselves with positivity. Pass on a smile, hold the door open for someone, ask someone to join in with your game. Try to remember the lesson we had this week on compliments both giving and receiving. These are simple things that make people feel happy and valued. It would be great if I could give away ALL the kindness stickers next week! Together, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and encouraged.
I’m excited to see what we can accomplish together next week. Keep up the fantastic work, and always remember that you are capable of achieving great things.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Bennett
Dear Barn Owls,
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for a wonderful week of learning together! You all did such an amazing job, and I am so proud of everything you've accomplished. From your hard work to your enthusiasm, you made this first week of term so special!
I loved seeing how much you enjoyed exploring new ideas, asking questions, and helping each other. It's clear that you are all growing more and more every day. I'm so excited to continue our learning journey next week and see all the fun things we will discover together.
We’ll continue with our work on division and multiplication with a focus on and noticing the relationship between multiplication and division. We will be finishing our work together on the building boy in English and start planning our independent writing. I am so proud of how well you are developing your writing skills. In history, we’ll be looking at significant individuals in history with a focus on the explorer Christopher Coloumbus. In science, we will begin to plan your questions in the big science investigations. In art, we will be continuing the work from this week by making marks with different media with a focus on creating texture. You will be building your frames in DT to support your wheel and axle. In RE we will be investigating how the synagogue is important to the Jewish community. You will be developing your skills in PE with Mr Pearce with a focus on attacking, defending and shooting. In our mindfulness work, you will be encouraged to explore your feelings using colours and making different marks. In PSHE we will be finishing our unit on staying safe, with a final lesson on “Should I tell?”
All of you should be bringing home with you a login for the Times Table Rockstars. This is a super way of learning your times table and division facts. You can choose your own avatar and, if you want to challenge yourself and get faster, answering times table facts. This really helps with your fluency in this area of maths. You can challenge me too! If you experience any issue with the logins etc, then please let me know. You should be able to access this on a tablet or laptop. This week's spellings will be sent home for you to practise too.
We hope you can join us for bedtime stories next week. Don't forget you are welcome to come to school dressed as your favourite book character next Friday! Have a fantastic weekend, and I can't wait to see you all bright and ready for another great week!
Best wishes
Mrs Bennett
Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to a brand new term, where every day is an opportunity to learn something new and make friendships stronger. We have a lot of fun learning planned for you. Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes because that’s how we grow and become stronger. Believe in yourself, try your best, and never give up—your hard work will pay off! You have everything it takes to make this term amazing. Let’s make it a great one together.
This term your PE day will be on a Monday afternoon with Mr Pearce. Please come to school wearing your PE kit. Mrs Sansom will also be teaching you on Monday afternoon. You will need a named water bottle, fruit and vegetables are available for snacks each day.
Here are some dates for this term:
W.B. Monday 24th February-Scholastic Travelling Book Fair in the school hall after school every day this week.
W.B. Monday 24th February-Bring in up to 3 'pre-loved' books ready to exchange in our whole school 'Book Swap' next week!
Thursday 27th February-FOGMs 'Superheroes' Disco
W.B Monday 3rd March- Book Swap this week!
Wednesday 5th March-KS1 Bedtime Stories- Come and listen to some stories read by your teachers 5.45-6.45p.m.
Thursday 6th March-World Book Day
Friday 7th March-World Book Day Dress up Day!
Tuesday 1st April & Thursday 3rd April- Parent/ Teacher Evenings
Friday 4th April- Term ends at 1.30p.m.
You have everything it takes to make this term amazing. Let’s make it a great one together.
Mrs Bennett
Dear Barn Owls and Families,
Here is a little snapshot of our week. We have all made so many achievements this week and have made progress with our learning.
This week has been children’s mental health awareness week with a focus on “Know yourself, Grow yourself”. We have taken part in some activities, including a live interactive assembly with hundreds of other schools. We had the opportunity to reflect on questions that were being asked and send in our responses. We also had time to think deeper about ourselves and answer questions like, What makes you feel worried? Where do you feel safe? What new things would you like to try? Each child thought really carefully about their responses. I’m super proud of you all.
We have all made a fabulous start to our multiplication topic in maths. We are able to recognise and make equal groups and know the multiplication symbol. Before half term, I will send home some information and individual logins for an online game called Times Table Rockstars. The children can use their logins at home and school. This is a fun and motivating way of learning timetables. We’ll continue to develop our skills and understanding in this area next week. A reminder that on Wednesday we will celebrate and take part in "Number Day". We have some fun activities planned and if you feel comfortable you come to school wearing numbers!
In literacy we have been learning about possessive apostrophes in phonics and the many different rules for different types of words! We are working on chapter 2 of the hodgeheg and the children have enjoyed some dictionary games in pairs as we have searched for definitions of different vocabulary. We have made a strong start on our work on the story book The Building Boy. We will be continuing to explore the characters of Tom and his Grandma next week.
The children enjoyed and learnt about a seed and had the opportunity to take part in dissecting a seed. We soaked some sunflower and pumpkin seeds for a few hours and then removed the seed coat and split the seed to see inside it! The children then used the ipads to zoom in and take some photos.
In geography we learnt a little more about the continent of Europe and chose 6 facts to write that we had learnt. We then ate our way around a few European countries and enjoyed brioche from France, apples from the Uk, pears from Belgium, tomatoes and pepper from Spain and of course pizza from Italy!
I can’t believe it is the last week of term 3 next week. Have a brilliant weekend together.
Best Wishes
Mrs Bennett
Dear Barn Owls,
Thank you for all of your hard work this week, we have practised becoming historians, geographers, authors, mathematicians, designers, musicians, engineers, and gymnasts, not bad in one week!
Next week we look forward to starting a new piece of work in English. In phonics, we will be looking at possessive apostrophes. We will be moving onto chapter 2 of "The Hodgeheg" next week.
In Maths, we will begin our unit of work on multiplication and division! We'll start with recognising and making equal groups and then introducing the multiplication symbol. In Design and Technology we will begin making our Ferris wheel, PSHE.
In RE we will discuss how the Torah is used in Jewish life. In History ,we will be looking at the first flights and in Geography we will be looking at the continent of Europe. In computing this term we have been learning about the importance of online safety. Next week we will be discussing if we should believe everything we see online.
I was very proud of how well you joined in with the debate we had in history this week about whether railways were a good invention. We had a group giving their reasons "for" and a group who were "against". You gave some very well thought out comments for each side.
On Tuesday we will be taking part in a live assembly linked to Children's mental health awareness.
Next week we will also squeeze in your well deserved reward for filling the jar with stars! I'll add som more photos from this week to our gallery-take a peek!
I will add a link to Topmarks for some spelling games. These could be a fun addition to support your child with their spelling practise too. Click on "spelling games" in the blue box next with the heading "In this section".
Please visit the home learning grid if you want to try any of the activities there.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Bennett
Dear Barn Owls and families,
Thank you for a super week in school! I wanted to share some of the fabulous learning and activities you have completed this week. Please have a look at the photos that have been uploaded this week too.
We finished our practise models of writing instructions this week. They were linked to the apple bird feeders that you made, and I have been very impressed with the imperative verbs that you have added too! Next week you will have the opportunity to write independent instructions to show how to make a tasty wrap to eat.
It has been exciting to see the birds visiting our bird feeder attached to our classroom window. We see a whole host of different birds feasting on the seeds, including robins and yellow tits. This weekend is the RSPB annual Big Garden Birdwatch Weekend. I'd love to know if any of you have taken part and how many birds you have seen. Next week in English we'll begin our work on the story book, "The building boy".
In maths we have much to celebrate as EVERYONE has been fantastic! We have been working on a mixture of number bonds and subtraction. We have been subtracting two 2 digit numbers (across a 10) e.g 34-17= ? . I am particularly proud of the children who have learnt from a marvellous mistake they have made. We must try to see mistakes as a very important part of our learning and nothing to be worried about at all, I make marvellous mistakes everyday!
We have managed to complete a variety of lessons across the curriculum too including music, DT, forest school, PE, PSHE, RE, Guided Reading, Science, Geography, History, Guided reading and phonics! Wow, you are all AMAZING.
Have a restful and snuggly weekend.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs Bennett
Dear Barn Owls and Families,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and are relaxed and ready to embark on new learning adventures together. I am very excited to see you all and get started on some new topics and activities. Have a look at our topic web for terms 3 and 4 to get a sneak preview.
Barn Owls have been timetabled to have forest school on a Thursday afternoon for term 3. Please come to school in your uniform with a change of clothes for forest school. At this time of year, layers and waterproofs are crucial. Unless your child is wet or very muddy, we will send them home in their forest school clothes at the end of the day.
Please see the link below for more information about Forest School.
We have a few exciting changes to our support in year 2 with Miss Belcher and Mrs Fairfax joining us as class T.A's. Miss Belcher will join us on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs Fairfax will be working with us on a Tuesday and Friday and then continue her support as a 1:1 in Barn on a Wednesday.
P.E will be taught by myself this term and will take place on a Friday afternoon. Please send your child to school in their P.E kits on that day.
As always, please bring in a named water bottle each day. We strongly encourage you to bring in water. You will still be able to select a snack from school daily, but you are able to bring in any additional healthy snacks to enjoy. We would recommend rice cakes, breadsticks, fruit and vegetables.
Please bring in your reading diaries each day. We will aim to hear you read individually twice a week, and we’ll have up to three whole-class guided reading sessions too. In addition, there will be daily reading during our phonics sessions too. We will encourage children to change their books independently when needed.
Home learning challenges will be sent home on most Fridays, and we ask that they are returned by the following Thursday. Home learning will focus on topic, English or Maths that we have been working on in class to support consolidation. Spellings to practise will also be included each week linked to our focus in phonics. We won’t have weekly spelling tests, but monitor how well the children use them in their individual writing.
We don’t want you to lose any equipment or uniform and strongly urge all of your belongings to be named.
Thank you!
Mrs Bennett
Stay safe at home. Remember, there is always someone to listen if you do not feel safe. Follow this link to the Childline website: