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Elf Owls Reception


Welcome to Term 4!

Who are the heroes in our community?

Monday 24th February 2025

Dear Elf Owl Families,

We hope you all had a great half term break! We are excited for the term ahead and our new topic Who are the heroes in our community? We will be learning about the roles of people who help us in our everyday lives such as police officers, firefighters, medical staff and dentists. We will also enjoy and celebrate storybook superheroes such as 'Supertato' and 'Superworm' as part of our World Book Day celebrations. To continue to develop our understanding of the world we will be asking Who are Christians and what do they believe? We will be listening to some bible stories and reflecting on the importance of Holy Week and Easter to Christians. Below is a list of events happening this term:

W.B. Monday 24th February-Scholastic Travelling Book Fair in the school hall after school every day this week.

W.B. Monday 24th February-Bring in up to 3 'pre-loved' books ready to exchange in our whole school 'Book Swap' next week!

Thursday 27th February-FOGMs 'Superheroes' Disco

W.B Monday 3rd March- Book Swap this week!

Wednesday 5th March-KS1 Bedtime Stories- Come and listen to some stories read by your teachers 5.45-6.45p.m.

Thursday 6th March-World Book Day

Friday 7th March-World Book Day Dress up Day!

Tuesday 1st April & Thursday 3rd April- Parent/ Teacher Evenings

Friday 4th April- Term ends at 1.30p.m.


Monster Phonics

This term we will learn the last of the digraphs/ trigraphs (2/3 letters which make one sound) for the Reception Year.

W.b: 24th February: Miss Oh No /oa/ as in boat.

W.b. 3rd March: Tricky With /er/ as in term.

W.b: 10th March: Yellow I /igh/ as in light.

W.b: 17th March: Tricky Witch /air/ as in hair.

W.b: 24th March: Tricky Witch /oi/ as in boil.

W.b: 31st March: Tricky Witch /ear/ as in hear.

New High Frequency words this term: come, some, were, one, like, when, little, by, day, away, play, children


Please continue to read with your child for 10 minutes each day. Encourage them to use their phonics to decode words where possible and spend time talking about the story. Please sign your child's yellow reading records so we know you have read together. 


In Maths this term we will start by exploring measures with a focus on height, length and time. We will then move to a number focus where we will work on representing numbers, subitising, finding one more/ less, finding number bonds, doubling and recognising odd and even numbers. Lastly we will explore 3D shapes.

P.E and Forest School

The children will have P.E on Mondays this term with Matt Pearce. The children should come to school wearing full kit and trainers/ plimsolls. We will continue with Forest School on Fridays. Please ensure your child has full waterproofs, wellies and a change of clothes left in school. These items are also used throughout the week when the children play outside. Please see the link below for more information about Forest School.

Forest School

We are very excited for a jam-packed term ahead and we are pleased to let you know we have booked our end of year trip for July! (more information to follow). Many thanks for your continued support. As always, do come and see us if you have any questions or concerns.

With our warmest wishes

Mrs Ray, Miss Taylor and the Elf Owl Team