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Uniform Information

Our current uniform supplier is Brigade UK, who offer a wide range of items at competitive prices. Ordered uniform can be sent to school for you to collect free of charge.  

You are not required to buy the logo uniform. Supermarkets stock jumpers and cardigans in the school colours. Please make sure they are the Blue colour (Brigade list it as Royal Blue, but Supermarkets describe it as Cobalt Blue). 

Good quality second hand uniform is also available through the Friends of Great Milton School (FOGMS).

Please name all uniform so it can be returned to its owner!


  • Grey trousers or grey skirt/pinafore/shorts/trousers

  • White polo shirt

  • Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan

  • White/grey/black socks or black/grey tights

  • Sensible outdoor shoes for travelling to and from school & for outdoor play (for example, wellingtons, snow boots)

  • Black school shoes for indoor use


  • Blue and white checked summer dress or grey shorts & white polo shirt

  • Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan

  • White/grey/black ankle socks

  • Black school shoes for indoor use

Throughout the year

Wellington boots are recommended for outdoor play and the use of school shoes for indoors, as we do play outside in all weathers. All children are expected to wear sensible school shoes and not boots or shoes with open toes or heels.

PE Kit 

  • White T-shirt
  • Black or white shorts
  • Black plimsolls
  • In winter for outdoor PE: dark tracksuit (preferably blue) to be worn over PE kit, trainers

Please make sure your child's PE T-shirt, shorts and sweatshirt are appropriate for school use. No football shirts please. 

The following items are not compulsory, but are available. They look smart and are great quality and will last. This also gives you an idea of the colours we would like all children to wear for PE.

PE Kit with school logo: 

  • Navy zip up hooded sweatshirt


  • Navy hooded sweatshirt (no zip)
  • Navy zip up tracksuit top with white piping
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms with white piping


For Forest School: 

  • Navy waterproof trousers and jacket with hood (in a handy bag)

For the cold weather: 

  • Fleece lined waterproof jacket with school logo - it is reversible too! 


The deadline to order for delivery to the school before the end of the summer term is 13th June 2025.

Thereafter, the service switches to home delivery and parents can continue to order until 18th July 2025 to receive their order before the start of term.