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Barn Owls Y2



Dear Barn Owls and Families,


A very warm welcome back to school! I am thrilled to be part of your year 2 learning journey and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 4th September. We're going to have so much fun together as we learn, grow as learners and explore lots of different topics together.  Take a look at our topic web for term one to get a sneak preview.

Helping us on our journey in the afternoons this term will be Mrs Quartermain and Mrs Sansom.  Mrs Harris will also be in class for four days and Mrs Fairfax for one day. 


For this term you will have PE with Mr Pearce on a Thursday, please come to school in your PE kits.  You will have PE outdoors unless the weather is bad.  PE will start from the week beginning 09.09.24.


As always, please bring in a named water bottle each day. We strongly encourage that you bring in water.  You will still be able to select a snack from school daily, but you are able to bring in any additional healthy snacks to enjoy.  We would recommend rice cakes, breadsticks, fruit and vegetables.  


Please bring in your reading diaries each day.  We will aim to hear you read individually twice a week and we’ll have up to three whole class guided reading sessions too. In addition, there will be daily reading during our phonics sessions too. We will encourage the children to change their books independently when needed.


Home learning challenges will be sent home on most Fridays,  and we ask that they are returned by the following Thursday. Home learning will focus on topic, English or Maths that we have been working on in class to support consolidation.  Spellings to practise will also be included each week.  We won’t have weekly spelling tests, but monitor how well the children are using them in their individual writing. 


We don’t want you to lose any equipment or uniform and strongly urge all of your belongings are named.


See you all on Wednesday morning in the playground and we will walk to class together.

Thank you!

Mrs Bennett





Stay safe at home. Remember, there is always someone to listen if you do not feel safe. Follow this link to the Childline website: