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‘Let all that you do be done in love’

1 Corinthians 16:14

At Great Milton C of E Primary School, we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and in the idea that both adults and pupils learn new things every day. Our vision: - Nurturing individuals to be the best they can be in an inclusive environment where they feel valued, respected and know they belong- underpins our whole curriculum and our teaching and learning is supported by proven metacognition and pedagogy. 

We want our children to experience a curriculum that: 

  • inspires future thinkers
  • makes memories
  • builds on prior learning
  • brings enjoyment
  • is awe inspiring
  • is relatable
  • tackles current issues
  • promotes equality and diversity
  • encourages ambition
  • enriches their lives
  • develops metacognitive learning skills
  • widens their life experiences

Each subject area has been carefully mapped out across year groups to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum. Although we have single year groups, we have a two year rolling plan to allow class teachers to collaborate on topics and plan exciting enrichment activities each year. 

On the class pages you will find a topic web each term to show what your child will be learning in each subject area. There is also a homework grid linked to these topic areas so that you have the opportunity to get involved and continue your child's learning beyond the classroom. 

It is important that our curriculum is firmly grounded in the desire to promote fundamental British values as part of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of our life together in school, preparing our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. British values include respect and tolerance for others, building community cohesion and understanding the difference between the law of the land and religious law.

Please click on the link below to see a copy of our Great Milton Curriculum Intent Statement and a full copy of the National Curriculum as published by the DfE (Department for Education).

Please see each class page for more information on what is taught in each year group and their class activities. Termly topic webs are updated at the beginning of each term.

Please see links for more subject information.